Guzman actress fired

Jeanine Ann Roose best known for playing Little Violet Bick in the holiday classic film Its a Wonderful Life died Friday night at her Los Angeles home after battling an. Actress Jacqueline Guzman has been fired from her NYC theater company after complaining about murdered cop Jason Riveras funeral Credit.

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Guzman a Jew was fired from her theater.

. Guzman was an actress with the Face to Face Films which quickly dropped her after the video went viral and people jumped into the comments. An NYC actress was fired from her theater company for mouthing off about the inconvenience of street closures for slain cop Jason Riveras funeral -- a vile online rant she quickly deleted after. What Guzman failed to realize is that it wasnt just a few hundreds of officers who showed up to pay their respects but thousands of New Yorks lined the streets to send the fallen officer off before he was laid to rest.

Jacqueline Guzman a New York City actress faced severe backlash after her rant against slain cop Jason Riveras funeral went viral on social media. Twitter They kill people who are under 22 every single day for no good reason and we dont shut down the city for them she added in the TikTok clip.

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